So after following an artist/animator on Youtube known as "Draw With Jazza" I saw him talk about Newgrounds a lot and how it helped him. As a college student who is an artist and studying to be an animator, I got curious and came to this site. I am so glad that I did! It is really cool and has such amazing and talented artist it is almost a litlle intimidating. That feeling has prbably driven me to get my art to the point that I felt was good enough to be next to such amazing artist! I have a lot to learn so bear with me but I hope to meet some amazing people on here and make my own I guess. I'm rambling which you will see a lot of actually but I promise to keep it under control. Oh! If any veterans happen to see this (probably not but worth the shot) if you could give this newbie some puick pointers about this site that would be great! Okay, I hope all goes well! See ya!